April 29, 2014

Virtual Explorations

This week, I was asked to write an article about virtual explorations and using the internet to visit far off places.  This made me extremely happy, because I am an expert on this.  I love this stuff.

As a sneak peek (because people are itching to read my articles,) here's the coolest virtual explorations I've encountered recently:

I've discovered that when I'm confined to short articles, I sound more like an expert when I talk about subjects in which I'm not (at all) an expert.  (Don't tell anyone.)  When I know a great deal about something, I know where the pitfalls and controversies are, and I know where I will go on wild, tangent rants.  I know that I don't have space to go into it all, so I purposefully skim the surface.  Or maybe it's just my imagination, because only I would know that I'm doing that, so when I reread the piece I think, "But you left out my favorite part!"  The skin deep natural of the articles doesn't bother me when I don't care about the depth of the subject.

April 28, 2014

Writing Duels

Saturday was an informal Ink & Blood event.  At this one, the group was given a prompt, ten minutes, coffee, and access to a near endless supply of yellow legal pads.  You had to bring your own pen.

I wrote 5 stories, which I'm sharing here in all their raw glory.  Enjoy!

April 21, 2014

Ask the World to Dance

She can't be crazy.  And crying in the Family Planning aisle is on the wrong side of crazy.

800 Words