June 23, 2014

Back in the Saddle

I had a crazy week last week and fell off the regular blog post wagon.  And a couple other wagons too.  Think of it like the wagons were in a pile and I was on top, but then I rolled down, bouncing from wagon to wagon until I landed in the gravel in a pile yesterday afternoon and decided to watch TV and eat fro yo. 

When I was a senior in high school, I was diagnosed with leukemia.  (Turns out, when I got a second opinion, that this was bogus, but for a while there I was a mess and I was still pretty sick regardless of the diagnosis.)  So I turned in a bunch of things late, including the only English paper I was ever proud of.  I handed it in and said to Ms. MacDonald, "I feel like I owe you an excuse."  At this point someone behind me shouted, "Boo!  She doesn't want your excuses!"  And I figured that was fair, took my A minus, and went about my business.

So again, Boo!  No one wants my excuses!  Bad things happened, I dealt with them at the expense of other things.  Now they're over and it's time to move on.

Today is about getting back in the saddle.  Today is about letting go.

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