July 22, 2014

Maybe Senpai Will Notice You This Year

(Written instead of "Helping Your Child Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety")

School is starting again! Do you have your cute outfit and hair accessories picked out? Have you called your friends to find out if you have the same lunch? Do you have 8 sharpened #2 pencils and the requisite number of binders? Good job! That's 10% of the battle, and 10% of all your anxieties set to rest.

But what if senpai doesn't notice you this year?!

He's so dreamy. With his hair and his eyes. You really want to touch his hair. I bet it's softer than it looks. And you could get lost in his eyes. There are untold depths there of all the things you don't know about him. And his smile—that secret one, just for you, that he gave you in the hallway that one time. He's so nice and smart and funny. I bet he'd be even more nice and smart and funny once you get around to having a conversation with him about his favorite bands and snack food and tragic back story. It's a very tragic back story. You can soothe his pain with your love. And then get married.

If only he would notice you. But alas. He probably doesn't know your name. Or that you're meant to be together.

It's tragic and stressful suffering through your unrequited love. But good news! Here are some tips for winning him over.
  1. Make sure your outfit is super cute. Cute first-day-of-school outfits have a direct correlation with popularity.
  2. Trip and fall on him. Surefire way to get his attention. Maybe he'll help you pick up your scattered books. Maybe he'll tell you that your skinned knee looks painful and his eyebrows will furrow with concern. Your heart might explode. Bring a paper bag to breathe into as soon as he picks you up off the floor and leaves with his friends.
  3. Talk to him. Haha. No. Just kidding.
  4. Check out his friend. He's such a jerk. So rude. You can't stand him and yet you know all about him and you can bicker with him for hours. Spoiler for next spring: he's the love of your life. Move on sooner rather than later.

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