January 8, 2017

I am Bad at Titles

I'm struggling this week with a title for the dragon book.  I've noticed that a gripping title is the fastest track to getting a book added to my to-read list, and if titles work on me, they probably work on other people.  So the dragon story needs a catchy title.  Something intriguing.  Something that makes it stand out.

I gave it the working title of "Dumb Dragon Story," which is clearly a working title for a reason.  This has become a problem though, because that's what I call it in my head, even though I think it's pretty good these days.  It's like it's coming home for its ten year high school reunion all successful and glamorous in a killer little dress with great hair and skin and contacts, and some jerk shouts, "Hot damn! Get a load of Applesauce Face!"   It'll be the dumb dragon story until the day I die.

"My dumb dragon story needs a better title," I told my husband.
"What's wrong with Love Amongst the Dragons?"
"Isn't that the title of your story?"
"No," I said.  "That's the play in Avatar that the Ember Island Players put on when they're not doing the one about the avatar."
"Oh."  He thought for a minute.  "I'm sorry, hun.  I can't for the life of me remember what your novel's called."

"My dumb dragon story needs a better title," I told my friend.
"Titles are hard," she said.  "I'm bad at them."
"Is there a word that means both 'grappling with your identity' and some kind of polyester-cotton blend that you could build a dragon costume out of?  I want that word to exist and I want it to be my title."
She had nothing to say to that.

I should note that she and I once wrote a short story together, and I saved the file as "Boat Story."  Because the characters started off on a ship.  It wasn't even a boat.  And the characters almost immediately got shipwrecked.  I still called it "Boat Story."  And then she called it "Boat Story."  And then we were doomed to have a miserable time finding a different title.  And in all honestly, the first thing I named the file was "I'm on a Boat, Bitch," but I deleted it and replaced it with "Boat Story" in case my friend hadn't seen that sketch and thought I was calling her a bitch.  I was not calling her a bitch.  I'm just bad at titles.

In worrying this over, I've decided that the real problem is that I'm having trouble coming up with a title that expresses the tone of the book.  Everything on massive squiggle monster of a brainstorming session sounds either generically high fantasy ("The Immortal Queen"  "Borrowed Swords and Dancing Dragons") or too off the wall goofy ("I was Lying, there are No Dragons"  "Dragons of Sequins and Polyester-Cotton Blend").

I would read that last book, but it is not the book I wrote.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I'm honored by this post, though I'm sorry I didn't have a good title suggestion. All day long all I do it feels like is argue with people about their headlines!
