July 3, 2016

Outlook for July

Camp Nano strikes again.  I didn't do so hot last go around, but I have confidence that this month will go well.  For one thing, I've opted out of a cabin.  My cabin last time was painfully inactive, and seeing how many people had a word count of zero fooled me into complacency when I hadn't hit my goals.  I'm also so close to getting this section of my edits done, and it's embarrassing how long I've already let it laze around.

Once again I'm going to spend Nano editing, and I've set my rebel challenge for working for 50 hours.  I'll pretend 1 hour=1,000 words and keep track on the website like that.  I'm aiming to work an hour and forty minutes every day: an hour editing the Firebird story, a half hour on the blog, and ten minutes writing on a couple short things I have in mind.  Why not just do the full hour and forty minutes on the Firebird story?  Because the blog and the writing projects ought to get done too, and I just know if I don't make space for them, I'm going to do them first and then not do my edits, or I'll do my edits and be too tired for the other things.  Kind of against the point of Nano, but I honestly don't care at this point in my life. 

(This week I had to start telling my baby "no," as he's figured out how to climb onto the chair, the onto the table, and from there turn up the volume on the stereo to deafening levels.  Rock!  Also this week, he figured out that he doesn't like not being able to do exactly what he wants whenever he wants it, and started shrieking whenever I told him "no."  Too bad, because that's a lesson he's going to learn early.)

Why am I spending a half hour every day on the blog?  Geez, does it really take that long to write these posts?  No.  I have a backlog of books I've read but have yet to review, so I have quite a few posts to write.

As for the short things I'm working on, you'll have to stay tuned.

Anyone else doing Camp Nano?  What's your goal?  What's your favorite camp activity?

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